STRUCTCOMB Structure and computational difficulty in combinatorial optimization - an interdisciplinary approach
MODAClouds MOdel-Driven Approach for design and execution of applications on multiple Clouds
MODAClouds-RO Co-funding of FP7 MODAClouds
SPECS Secure Provisioning of Cloud Services based on SLA Management
SEED Speeding Every European Digital
mOSAIC Open-Source API and Platform for Multiple Clouds
mOSAIC-RO Co-funding of FP7 mOSAIC
AEMTIA Automated Exploration of Mathematical Theories for Industrial Applications
ANNE Advanced Impulsive and Fractional Order Neural Network Models
AVANTSSAR Automated Validation of Trust and Security of Service-Oriented Architectures
DEHEMS Digital Environmental Home Energy Management System
EcoNet French-Russian-Romanian project “Executable and verifiable models for security of communicating systems”
Folding@Home Folding@IeAT
ForMol Computational formalism inspired by Molecular Biology
ITMOP Information Theory Methods for Optimization Problems
NanoSim Transport phenomena and structure formation at the micro/nanometer scale in biomedicine and materials science
NOREX Network of reengineering expertise
PhaseTrans Phase Transitions in Computational Complexity and Formal Verification – Towards Generic and Realistic Approaches
Practical Verification Practical formal verification using automated reasoning and model checking
ProWest Promotion of the research activity in computer science in West Romania
PSysGAR Models and implementations for simulating P systems
SCIEnce Symbolic Computation in Europe
SEPROPI Studies and systematic exploration of parallel iterative processes
SIAPOM Integrated System for Analysis and Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation
SPaCIoS Secure Provision and Consumption in the Internet of Services
SysteMaThEx Systematic Mathematical Theory Exploration with the Theorema System - Case Studies