Empowered by Research Driven by Innovation

We are a research institute looking for new challenges the field of Earth Observation, Machine Learning, BigData/Cloud and IoT/EDGE processing.
We are open to R&D projects or private collaborations.

Enagage in innovative research and development

Research and development activities in partnerships like international funded projects, private collaborations or public associations.

Empower Earth Observation with ML and Cloud technologies

We develop, enhance and migrate new and legacy EO application toward new computing paradigms.

Machine Learning for BigData processing

We apply Machine Learning teqniques in various BigData processing scenarios using power-full computing infrastructures or low performance devices from the EDGE (IoT).

Cloud and virtualisation deployment and execution

We design and implement computing infrastructures for larga scale application deployment and execution using both public services or on-premise resources.

About us

Institute e-Austria Timisoara is a research institute created in 2002, which is dedicated to the promotion of excellence in scientific research and technological transfer in the field of information technologies. One of the main goals is to promote cooperation between Romania and other European countries, both scientifically and economically.

The institute is a private non-profit research association between:

The funds for the institute start-up were provided by: